Comments on: Light Novels are Killing Anime Anime News & More! Mon, 21 Mar 2022 20:14:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: pdag25 Mon, 21 Mar 2022 20:14:42 +0000 I don’t think that your title suits your opinion column well. Badly written (in haste) light novels do not mean that in the end anme will die. I feel that anime is published whether it is good or not, not really caring whether it makes sense or not. Anime production companies (oligopolies and monopolies in my opinion) aren’t interested in the essence or the meaning in the light novels and stories they produce to anime. They probably think that by giving the customers choice (a myriad/multiverse of choice) that the customers will eventually be the ones to decide whether or not the series are good or not. There is freedom of choice in this chaos of light novels and anime. But there are also big problems.
Before, when producing anime was expensive and there was a limited market (number of channels that would/could broadcast them), these producers and broadcasters would try to choose only the best stories, best authors, and only those chosen would be made. Now, with so many people able to produce, author, publish, illustrate, etc. there are virtually no limits to what can be published/produced or sold. This said, the majority of light novels and series produced and published today are bad copies of other works, not abiding the copyrights, trademarks or patents that were registered beforehand. This is a problem in the legal sense.
But I feel there is a bigger problem in the ethical/education/essence sense. What are these “bad copies” of previous light novels, series, anime trying to say? What messages are they actually leaving the customers? (readers, watchers, etc.)
There are a lot of light novels, series, anime that promote crimes to underage kids. There are a lot who promote crimes done to underage kids. This is a crime and a violation of the universal human rights declaration everywhere on Earth and beyond. And yet, series like Mushoku Tensei (Jobless Reincarnation by Rifujin na Magonote) promote statutory rape, rape, incest, sexual assault, etc. of the main character to secondary characters in this light novel that get promoted in the anime series as well and even promote an “uncensored version” of the anime that shows how the main character trafficked with child pornography (before he died) and then used to watch his “tutor” masturbate while watching his “parents” having sex as a young reincarnated boy.
Because no one is really controlling the light novel/web novel/ anime markets, anything and everything is being read and seen. In the U.S., Canada and Japan (who have the same laws that prohibit crimes done to kids and promoting them to kids) Nothing is being done to control, fine or prosecute the authors, publishers and producers of these light novels, web novels and anime series. There is an exception, in Communist China today, there is a severe censorship law that prosecutes lewd acts, lewd language and pornography, This law prohibits religion and opinions that counter the government as well.
