Comments on: Tokyo Revisited Day 15 Anime News & More! Wed, 09 Jul 2014 17:46:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: FPilot Bierce Wed, 09 Jul 2014 17:46:22 +0000 I’d think this would be the right time of the year to wear kimono, from a practicality standpoint. Covers what needs covering. Doesn’t touch where you’re prone to get sweaty.

Me? With my experience with bugs and sandspurs and other hazards in Florida, I wear trousers all year long. I think I’d try to get hakama if I were traveling in Japan.

By: John Tue, 08 Jul 2014 00:28:06 +0000 The new Godzilla movie is getting a real heavy marketing push here in Tokyo, but with two weeks before it’s theatrical release, the only toys here that I’ve seen were American toys that the Shinjuku Wald 9 theater imported as display items.

By: GATS Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:43:57 +0000 ‘ Americans routinely drive an hour to work, yet here in Tokyo having to ride trains for more than 20 minutes renders most destinations too far away and too inconvenient to bother visiting.’

Man, they *are* spoiled. In L.A., 20 minutes to a destination on a train usually only happens on a *good day*.

‘Regrettably, I didn’t see any toys commemorating the upcoming Japanese release of the Godzilla movie.’

I don’t think they have confidence in that pic’s success over there. Not sure why, since they got a whole month to beat out TF4. But I guess it could end up being the Hollywood equivalent of the X-Box.
