Comments on: Ask John: What Lessons May Be Learned From Alita: Battle Angel? Anime News & More! Sat, 25 May 2019 17:54:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: GATS Sat, 25 May 2019 17:54:42 +0000 Checked BOM, and they managed to pull a Warcraft and get Alita its $400 million. Good for it, but they were hoping for another Avatar, and this wasn’t worth the $70+ billion investment Disney put into FOX. As for DB, there was a recent article which said they had to pay a special $45 million licensing fee to have ‘creative’ control over Evolution, which sounds like total bs, as I’ve never heard any other publisher forced to do that. Naruto might work now that I feel it’s possible for them to overcome world-building issues with that Japanese Bleach movie’s look. Don’t forget that Lionsgate picked up Summit, which was responsible for the Twilight vampire series, which at least can provide the forest fights frequently seen in the Naruto anime/manga. As for future culturally sensitive productions, they’re more likely to be akin to ‘Crazy Rich Asians’, since that’s the only film like it which made money.
