Comments on: Ask John: What do Americans Think of Anime Now? Anime News & More! Tue, 07 Jun 2011 13:12:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: GATS Tue, 07 Jun 2011 13:12:24 +0000 Yotaru: Yes, and Empire based it off that fraudulent Excessif thing like everyone else. Nolan said in person he hadn’t seen it, and was only aware of it. As for Memento, my point was that it was from the same filmmaker as Inception, and also showed content which was not necessarily any more palatable than Kon, but somehow Nolan got a free pass, because one of his other movies was more “PG-13” than one of Kon’s movies.

By: YotaruVegeta Tue, 07 Jun 2011 00:56:14 +0000 Actually, GATS, I was led to an article around the time Inception was released that said Nolan was in fact inspired by Paprika in some part.

“Working with Tokyo’s Madhouse animation studio, Kon’s filmography included the kaleidoscopic dream-noir Paprika, a film Christopher Nolan has cited as a key influence for Inception.”

That’s from Empire Magazine.

Also, what does Memento have to do with a discussion about Inception and Paprika? Were you comparing Parika and Inception, or Memento and Inception?

By: GATS Mon, 06 Jun 2011 21:22:43 +0000 You know, what’s funny is, when there was still a “debate” about Paprika influencing Inception [BTW, Nolan said it didn’t.], some douche on a different board tried to argue that Inception was the better movie morally, because there was no attempted rape scene. [Though I viewed it more as assault.] Then he tried to back-pedal when I brought up Carrie Anne Moss being smacked around in Memento.

By: Lucus-FeriaaA Sat, 04 Jun 2011 06:49:00 +0000 Speaking from my experience here in Germany, it was years ago that someone told me anime is only “Japanese cartoon porn”. However, most people associate anime with superficial impression frrom what they have seen on TV (like Pokémon or Studio Ghibli anime). John is right with the description that anime is “something for a small minority of enthusiasts to appreciate but not something which average, ordinary viewers need to pay much attention to.”

But now we have other kind of problems to face: How often do you hear in the web that anime is too emo or only commercial moe stuff ? Someone in real life even told me that he believed that the whole anime scene descended from the emo scene. -__- Can you believe that ?

By: TheLaughingMan Sat, 04 Jun 2011 01:11:43 +0000 I couldn’t care less about the general American population considering anime an art. I would just like the American population to accept and acknowledge it is more than kids entertainment to be dismissed and ignored. Just understand it is more than that and a single set of stereotypes will never come close to describing a single genre in anime, let alone the entire world of it.

American does have to respect it, watch it, understand it, or like it. They just have to accept it is more than a few words can describe and as diverse as American Cinema.
